As daylight hours grow longer and our summer plans are starting to enter our minds. I want to share with you my life lesson.
A friend of mine invited me to her families summer home for the weekend. We had plans to hangout at the private beach and lobsters and drinks were par for the course. We started our day at the beach. Before leaving I placed sunblock lotion all over my face, and arms, hat, sun glasses, drinks, towel and chair. Ok, all set. The beach was perfect no one around except to our right, we can see across the ocean the public beach. Although I'm not a beach person, I don't like walking on hot sand, sitting in the sun baking like a potato, is just boring to me, however being on a private beach I found it to be very relaxing.
After about 30 mins, I was all set. I just couldn't stay there, so I said, I'm going back to the house, so I went back and drank with a friend who didn't go to the beach. Then after about 2 hours, my other friends came back. It was just too hot. So, we decided to drink a little, and start on the lobsters. Once we finished cooking the lobsters, we all sat outside on the deck, and ate like queens. Yum. After I ate I started to feel sick. I'm thinking oh lordie hope I'm not getting sick from this seafood. One of my friends said, oh Kim you don't look well, she said are you allergic to seafood? I said Hell no. She gave me some Benadryl, and said, you should lay down. So, I went to one of the bedrooms and fall asleep for about 20 mins.
I woke up, and my face was HOT, and I couldn't really see. What I was seeing was just like white clouds. I said, what the hell. I got up and went to the mirror and I couldn't see my face real clear. I had to get right up to the mirror, and I was like WHOOOA.
I sneaked into the bathroom across the hall, and I put some cold water on my face. I stood up, and looked in the mirror, I was like OH MY GOD. I basically, filled the sink with cold water, and just kept dunking my face into the water. Looked up, OH MY GOD.
I grabbed a towel and covered my face, and walked into the kitchen and as I slowly walked into the room, one of my friends said, Kim are you ok. I said, Ok everyone now don't freak out. So, they were like what, what, what...I said, ok are you ready? YES!.
I lifted my head up, and GASP'S, jaws opened. after a few moments (which seemed like 10 mins) all I heard was OH MY GOD! So, it was decided I needed to go to the hospital. Everyone wanted to drive me, and I said nah, I don't want to spoil everyones weekend, I can go myself. After assuring them, they said Ok.
I left, and I couldn't really see the road, and I said, ummm this is probably not a good idea. I decided not to go directly to the hospital I mean who really wants to spend hours there, if this is something that is not going to kill me and just will go away on it's own. So, I reverted back to a little child and said, I want my Mommy. So, I drove to my mother's house, and as I walked into the house, Hello Ma? Ma? She replies, I'm in the pallor. As I walk to the pallor, I said, Ok Ma, I don't want you to panic. She said, what's a matter? What's a matter? I had my head down, and as I walked into the room. I looked up at my Mom. She looked and started laughing. I was like MAAAA. She said, OH MY GOD, and just started laughing. Kim have you seen your face? I said, yes I know. She said, Kim, OH MY GOD, and starts laughing. She said, Kim you have sun poisoning. I said, should I go to the hospital? and she said yes. I went to the bathroom, and the clouds had lifted from my eyesight, and I could see much better, and I said OH MY GOD! I started to laughed. What the hell! So, before I left for the hospital, my mom said, Hold on. I said Ok, as I waited. My Mom comes out of the house with a camera and said, Oh I have to get a picture of this, I said, MAAAA. We both laughed. Off I went.
I went to the hospital, and sitting there, and people just stared at me. I was like, get me the freak out of here. Finally they called me, and took me into a room. The doctor comes in and says Whooooa. I was laughed, and he said, can you do me a favor, and I said yes, he said, can I see your drivers licenses, and so I gave him my license, and I said, why do you want to see it? He said, I wanted to see the before picture. I laughed.
I sported this Sumo look for about 3 days.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This story is for sure a visual one, so I'm thankful to my Mom who took this picture.
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